Storm 01
Storm 02
Storm 03
Storm 1-3
Lindsay Farrell

For better or worse, AI has taken the world by storm. The rise of image generation technology both excites and forebodes. It intrigues the human imagination and raises questions of ethics and the role of the artist in society. Through these works, I attempt to non judgmentally explore my relationship with AI as an artist by drinking the Kool-Aid. In this series, I used Canva AI to generate base images through a range of prompts related to another bipolar topic: storms, tornadoes & our experience of them in the Midwest. With a hint of nostalgic obsession sparked by the 1996 Helen Hunt classic, “Twister”, I then used smudge brushes and digital paint to deconstruct and manipulate the scenes. The result is a sense of acceptance and reverence for the surreal chaos of existence.